By Working With Us, You Will Be Working With An Entire Global Network Of Construction Experts That Have A Proven Record Of Providing The Highest Level Of Experience, Service, And Quality In The Construction Industry
We are a global construction consulting company that offers valuable construction planning & advisory services to our clients planning to build or renovate any type of large scale construction project throughout the world.
Thomas Construction Consulting (TCC) works with individuals, companies, government agencies, and non-profits to strategically plan their large scale construction projects throughout the world, saving them time and money. We do this with the help of our global Network of Construction Experts. Our global Network of Construction Experts consist of highly experienced Construction Consultants & Advisors, Construction Planners, Construction Managers, Architects & Designers, Building Contractors, Engineers, and other construction professionals. We strategically plan your project and assemble a team of Construction Experts that best fit each client’s specific large scale construction project, objectives, and location.
Our global Network of Construction Experts have a proven record of providing the highest level of experience, service, and quality in the construction industry. This Network of Construction Experts have planned, managed, designed, and built some of the highest quality and most admired projects throughout the world.
As seasoned professionals in the construction and real estate industries, we receive the very best pricing and many benefits from our Network of Construction Experts that we pass on to our clients.
Contact us if you are planning to build or renovate any type of large scale construction project throughout the world. We will ensure you receive the highest level of experience, service, and quality in the construction industry.
How We Can Help
There are many benefits to working with Thomas Construction Consulting.
By using TCC to smartly plan your construction project, you will save time & money, while maximizing quality
TCC will strategically plan your large scale construction project, using our global Network of Construction Experts, to ensure your project is built within budget, on schedule, and at the highest quality in the industry
By choosing to work with TCC, you are not limited to working with just one Construction Consultant/Advisor, Project Manager, Building Contractor, Architect, or Engineer. You are working with an entire global Network of Construction Experts that have a proven record of providing the highest level experience, service, and quality in the construction industry
Our global Network of Construction Experts have been hand picked by TCC, and are committed to working with our clients in a professional, honest, and fair manner, and will manage the planning, design, and construction of each project to maximize cost efficiency, and quality
As seasoned professionals in the construction and real estate industries, TCC receives the very best pricing and many benefits from our global Network of Construction Experts that we pass on to our clients
We strategically plan your project and assemble a team of Construction Experts that best fit each client’s specific large scale construction project from our global Network of Construction Experts throughout the world
We eliminate the opportunity for anyone working for the client to receive a kickback or “money under the table” from a Project Manager, Building Contractor, Architect, or Engineer. We are a neutral and unbiased party that protects our client’s interests and works with the most reputable Construction Consultants, Project Managers, Building Contractors, Architects, and Engineers throughout the world.
TCC has partnered with construction and real estate experts throughout the world to assist us in giving our clients the most cutting edge construction planning and management advice possible, tailored to each client’s specific project, objectives, and location
TCC considers the Bidding Process to be an outdated and misleading approach to receiving accurate pricing and highly experienced construction professionals for any type of construction project. Bidding allows for the client to choose the lowest bidders, which opens the door to receiving low quality workmanship, low quality building materials, price increases throughout construction, kickbacks, and more. TCC uses the most cutting edge construction planning and management approach that saves our clients time and money, and protects our client’s interests throughout the construction process
Our clients pay a nominal fee that is built into the construction contract. This fee is much less than the savings and benefits we produce for our clients
Contact Thomas Construction Consulting if you are planning to build or renovate any type of large scale commercial or residential construction project throughout the world. Our construction projects range from $1 million to over $500 million per project. See the Services we offer our clients and Contact Us if we can help.
“We will strategically plan your large scale construction project, and assemble a team of construction experts that best fit your specific construction project, objectives, and location, ensuring you receive the highest level of experience, service, and quality in the construction industry”